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Cat Becomes Nurse At Vet’s Clinic, Calms Scared Dogs
Admin 06 February 2023
  Meet Ron, the kitten who has the special power to calm the patients at the vet clinic. The feline was rescued as a stray from the streets ...
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This Dog Dad Waited Outside A Vet Clinic While The Mother Gave Birth
Admin 06 February 2023
  Recently in Cariacica, the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, a very unsusual thing hapened. Earlier this month, security cameras captured a...
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Wonky-faced dog rescued from certain death in Qatar desert finds his forever home
Admin 03 February 2023
  The dog, who has a rather unique facial structure, was facing being abandoned entirely before a kind-hearted Brit stepped in and whisked h...
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Dog makes miracle recovery after being found by vet who thought pooch was d.e.a.d
Admin 03 February 2023
  Emergency vet Janey Lowes stopped to move what she thought was a dead dog when she noticed its tail wagging - and three weeks later she...
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Disabled dog sobbed when he was bathed for the first time in his life
Admin 02 February 2023
We met this dog begging in the street. He looked at everyone with pleading and expectant eyes, but life seemed too rushed to stop. I bathed ...
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