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The puppy that fell from the sky miraculously survived after the hawk dropped the dog
Admin 06 January 2023
This is one among the foremost miraculous stories ever, it’s a few 6-week-old pup who survived from a horrible incident. The story began whe...
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Golden Retriever dog jumps in front of the bus to protect his blind owner
Admin 06 January 2023
Figo, an eight-year-old retriever, hurled himself at the oncoming vehicle as he and Audrey Stone crossed the road. Witnesses said he positio...
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A dog cried gratefully knowing she was rescued from her ѕаd end
Admin 04 January 2023
  A dog may cry for a variety of reasons. Crying is done not only in рan, but also out of gratitude. Especially when they are plucked from d...
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180-Pound Dog Waits Every Day To Give Favorite Mailwoman Hugs And Cuddles
Admin 04 January 2023
Every day, Fronky, a Bull Mastiff, performs the same ritual. Every morning, the dog stands by the door, pleading with his mother to let him ...
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Shelter dog sad after being stood up by potential adopters
Admin 04 January 2023
  It's difficult not to become excited when someone wants to meet a long-term shelter resident. Many excellent pets have been available ...
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Dog Trembling In A Pile Of Rubble Is So Grateful Someone Finally Noticed Her
Admin 02 January 2023
“Her legs were shaking so hard” 💔 The first time Donna Lochmann searched a crumbling, abandoned apartment building in St. Louis, Missouri, ...
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