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Survivor Cat Meets New Dog Sister And Instantly Falls In Love

 Meet Cinder and Bridger McPurr — a dog and cat sibling duo who can’t get enough of each other’s love.

Cinder and Bridger are a part of Mojo’s Hope, a nonprofit rescue group in Anchorage, Alaska. Both siblings come from vastly different backgrounds and have varying needs, but they’re both obsessed with cuddles. So, naturally, they’ve become the best of friends.

Cinder first joined the Mojo’s Hope program in 2015 after she was found in the woods by a hiker with a litter of puppies.

“She lacked socialization and was very fearful,” Shannon Basner, owner of Mojo’s Hope, told The Dodo.

The hiker brought Cinder to Mat-Su Valley Shelter, where she stayed for six months receiving the love and care she needed.

After six months, Cinder was transferred to Mojo’s Hope.

“She came into our program and blossomed in our care,” Basner said. “She learned to trust us, and what we saw from her immediately was her incredibly nurturing and compassionate nature.”

Since joining Mojo’s Hope, Cinder has become close friends with all her siblings in the program, especially cats.

“She’s [become] an extraordinary mentor for every new rescue that came into our program,” Basner said. “She’s provided them with love, care and a place of safety.”

In July 2022, Mojo’s Hope welcomed a new kitty in need. The cat, whom they named Bridger McPurr, was found outside in the cold and unable to move his legs.

“He was clinging to life,” Basner said.

Bridger’s rescuers scooped him up and brought him to Anchorage Animal Care and Control, where he received emergency medical care. After some time, Bridger’s legs were still not working properly, but his spirits were high.

“He perked right back up,” Basner said.

Soon after, Bridger arrived at Mojo’s Hope as a foster, ready to spread love to his new family.

“He was immediately purring nonstop,” Basner said. “He snuggled so deeply in the nook of my neck, just purring and kneading. That just showed that someone was caring for him, someone had loved him.”

Because of Bridger’s love for cuddles, Basner knew that Cinder would make a good buddy for him. She introduced the two, and it was love at first sight for the siblings.


“Cinder gets super excited when she has her kitty friends to snuggle with,” Basner said. “With Bridger, she was very cautious at first, as she knew he was very fragile.”

Cinder eased into her cuddles with Bridger, but the sweet cat didn’t hold back when it came to loving up on his dog sister.

“He was smitten the moment he saw her,” Basner said. “When he saw her, he lit up and started cuddling with her.”

The loving duo have been attached to each other ever since. According to Basner, Bridger will snuggle up alongside Cinder and paw gently at her face. He purrs loudly while doing so.

“It’s beyond precious,” Basner said. “No matter how many times we have seen this, it is truly the most beautiful and precious sight!”

Source: thedodo