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Loyal dog walks FIVE MILES beside ambulance after his owner leaves hospital

“The entire health team was moved.”

The other day, while working at a hospital in Brazil, Dr. Igor Paiva Dias and his colleagues witnessed loyalty and love in its purest form.

It beamed from the heart of this very good dog named Mandraque.


After Mandraque’s owner, a man who lives in the region, fell ill with an infection, an ambulance was dispatched to their home to transport him to the hospital. Mandraque was there and watched as paramedics loaded his owner into the vehicle — but he refused to leave his side.

When the ambulance pulled away, Mandraque faithfully followed.

Mandraque was still in tow when the ambulance arrived at the hospital. As his owner was wheeled inside, the dog settled down by the door just outside.

But Mandraque didn’t have to wait for his owner for long.

Hospital policy doesn’t allow for pets to enter, so caretakers did the next best thing. When Mandraque’s owner was stabilized, they moved him outside to be close to his worried pup.

“The moment the dog saw his owner on the stretcher, he immediately jumped up and started licking and kissing him,” Dias told The Dodo.


Fortunately, Mandraque’s owner was deemed fit for release from the hospital after just a few hours. He was once again loaded into an ambulance for the ride home — and once again, Mandraque refused to leave his side.

“[Mandraque] didn’t want to get into the ambulance, so the driver was instructed to go at low speed so that the dog could follow,” Dias said. “They arrived home safely.”

For Dias, whose job is to tend to the patient's physical health, it was reassuring to know that he had such a soulful, loving pup tending to his spirit as well — and when he needed it most of all.

“Without a doubt, it was very emotional,” Dias said. “The entire health team was moved.”

Source: thedodo