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Dog Continues to Lead Full Life After Leg Amputation Due to Cancer

 Kita after her leg amputation

Kita, a 10-year-old female American Staffordshire terrier, began limping on her front right leg in November 2019. Shortly thereafter, she refused to walk at all. Her primary veterinarian diagnosed her with osteosarcoma in the leg. Her owners chose to have the leg amputated. Following amputation, Kita was referred to the UC Davis veterinary hospital for further recommendations on treating metastasis of the tumor.

“We did not know what to expect, but we had decided we at least needed to obtain from one of the most renowned animal research institutes in the nation what options might be available for Kita and obtain the most recent statistical research on her type of cancer and it’s prognosis for her breed,” said Janice, one of Kita’s owners. “There are no words to sufficiently describe the care, compassion, and understanding that the Oncology Service provided while also educating us on Kita’s condition and explaining the best treatment plan for her.”

Kita went through several rounds of chemotherapy over the next six months. Her owners are happy to share that she is still doing well.

To help with Kita’s care, her owners qualified for financial assistance through a generous grant from the Blue Buffalo Foundation’s support of the Petco Foundation pet cancer treatment program at the UC Davis veterinary hospital. The grant helps support treatments for domestic companion animals suffering from cancer. The project is designed to support pet parents of modest means or pet parents whose pets provide a service to others.

“It was beyond our dreams to qualify for the grant,” said Janice. “So how do I ever begin to thank Buffalo Blue and Petco, or the services of UC Davis oncology team, for my being able to experience those best moments when I can still hold and hug my dog and she is still there for me?”