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Why do Spiders Bite Humans?

If a spider ever bites you, you know that it can be pretty alarming. Most spiders DON'T bite humans on purpose, but some do. And while most spiders won't hurt you unless provoked, it's best to be aware of why they might and how to protect yourself.

There are several types of spiders that can bite humans, each with its reason for doing so. The most common spider that bites humans is the black widow spider. This spider is usually harmless, but if it feels threatened or cornered, it may bite in order to protect itself or its eggs. Other spiders that may bite humans include the brown recluse and the cobweb spider. These spiders are considered dangerous because they can cause serious injury if bitten.

The best way to avoid getting bitten by a spider is to keep your environment clean and free of clutter. Spiders tend to live in areas where there's a lot of debris or hiding space. If you can make your environment less attractive to them, it'll less likely be an opportunity for them to bite you!

Another thing you can do to avoid getting bitten by a spider is to know what kind of spider is living in your area and what their behavior is typically like. By understanding the behavior of spiders in your area, you can better protect yourself from getting bitten! You can find information about spiders on websites like BugGuide or by asking a friend who knows about arachnids.