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Why Dogs Eat Grass: 5 Surprising Reasons

Why Dogs Eat Grass: 5 Surprising Reasons

Dogs are known for their love of chewing on things, but why do they seem to enjoy eating grass especially? Here are five surprising reasons why your dog may be drawn to the green stuff: 

1. Grass helps clean teeth and gums.

Dogs' teeth and gums are constantly being exposed to bacteria and other debris thanks to their eating habits – the grass is a great way to help them clean them up! Not only that, but it also helps keep their teeth healthy overall by providing essential nutrients.

In addition, dogs who consume grass often have healthier gums than those who don't because grass contains fiber which helps remove toxins from the mouth. Hay also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce dental problems in the future!

2. Grass can help curb boredom or separation anxiety.

For dogs who suffer from boredom or separation anxiety, chewing on grass can be a way to relieve some of that tension. It's also a fun activity for them to do together! 

3. It's a way to cool down.

Like us, dogs need to cool down from the sun's heat or physical activity. Eating grass helps them do this by providing a cooling sensation on their tongue and in their stomach.

4. Grass is high in fiber.

Like humans, dogs need fiber to keep them regular. In addition, grass contains various vitamins and minerals that can help keep your pup healthy and happy. 

5. Grass provides energy.

Unlike other types of food, grass contains carbohydrates and protein, giving your dog the energy it needs to function correctly. Without it, they may become sluggish or hyperactive.

In conclusion, "Dogs eat grass" is a statement associated with pets. Research suggests dogs have evolved to eat grass to satisfy their dietary needs. Dogs have a digestive system that is more complex than humans, and their bodies need sufficient amounts of fiber, water, and roughage for good health.